Monday, 12 March 2007

the big dig


Has there ever been a profession more well suited for child-level pop tunes?

Simon will be 5 on the 30th. Apparently, I now must make a cd for every party for the goodie bags. Birthday number 5 is a "paleontologist party". I'm thikning dinosaur songs and poems. That brings me up to 2 and the poem, Shel Silverstein's "if I had a brontosaurus" is only 10 seconds long.

"If I has a brontosaurs, I would name him boris or morris. If one day he had a lot of little brontosauri, I would change his name to Lori".

Seriously, if I have to listen to a disk of cloying kids tunes about Barney every day in the car, I will go insane.

Please help.


kari said...

Was Not Was had a dinosaur song, no?

kari said...

Oh, and Johnny Cash had some sort of dinosaur children's song, didn't he? Johnny Cash, mmmmmm. Children's songs in Johnny Cash's voice. mmmmmmm...

Wait, what? No, I'm fine, really.

kari said...

I blame my upbringing.

pete. said...

Ally Oop is about a caveman.
Thanks for the Heroes disc! Very fun.

momster said...

Barney is NOT, I repeat, NOT a dinosaur.

watie said...

Granted, Barney is some kind of toxic-waste mutated thingy.

Ally Oop is a great idea.

Did Johnny cash really have a song about dinosaurs? Blimey!

momster said...

Today I'll be giving your lovely wife a cd with a couple of dino songs on it!

jonnynono said...

Does Godzilla count? From Blue Oyster Cult?