Friday, 13 April 2007


Kww and the baby girl got back tonight from Chi-Town.

Here I am legally oligated to give a huge shout-out to Mamie for her rock-star work with aforementioned baby girl.

For the past week Simon and I have been bachelors.

A familiar refrain:

What do bachelors eat?
Anything they want!

What do bachelors do?
Anything they want!

Now a week is a long time for a small boy to be a bachelor. The first couple of days were spent sick. Actually, on Sunday, Simon puked in two diffferent states and in the air--probably over Iowa. It's like he's already in high School...but I digress. He went to L Cook and then eventually to school. Only one day was spend in full bachelorhood.

Now it seems being a bachelor boiled down to a few dearly held beliefs. One should get to watch a lot of TV. One should be able to play a game where your father is actually your brother and the two of you can spend your time conspiring to undermine the authority of the unseen "mom" who makes you do what it is you want to do already. "You mean I HAVE TO fast forward through all the boring commercials, but HAVE TO watch all the kid commercals?" "You mena I ahve to have ICE Cream again?" It Means the occaisonal doughnut breakfast. Plenty of Poppa sleeping in your room, especially if you have been puking for the better part of 500 (air) miles. TV Dinners are not merely for babysitter night anymore.

Frankly, I'm just glad I was the only one drinking.

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